The book of Acts informs us that prior to the believers being called "Christians", they were known as followers of "The Way". In this past Sunday's sermon Pastor Art noted that the church is still a community of people following "the way": our love for Christ moves us to be active agents of His love and compassion, pointing the way to salvation.
Today, let's reflect on the three components of our walk with God which were noted in Sunday's sermon:
We walk with God, from Whom we've come. Our first encounter with God in Genesis is realized in His creativity. He designed us, made us, and gave us some things to do while on this earth. Do you know what He's called you to do? If so, are you doing it?
We walk with God, with Whom we're traveling. The prophet Amos asks, "Do two walk together except they have agreed to do so?" (Amos 3:3). Our daily walk with God is expressed in prayer, giving, fasting, watching, and other spiritual disciplines. The discipline offered in a spirit of humble obedience pleases God and opens opportunity for His salvation to be expressed (Psalm 50:23).
We walk with God, to Whom we're going. Although we sometimes behave otherwise, the truth is that one day our physical bodies will breathe their last, and our spirits will end up in one of two places- either rejoicing in the presence of God and His angels, or lamenting in the lake of fire, which is the second death (see the blogs on Revelation 20 for more detail).
My prayer is that we all will choose to live for Christ, so that when we die we'll gain entrance into His eternal presence. Keep walking in the way that pleases Him!
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