Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Prophetic Warning #2: Infrastructure.

You know, I don't want to be known as the one with all the bad news- but I think that part of the role of a watchman is to say what they see, then leave it to the people of God to respond as they see fit. There is hope in the midst of crises, and I think that as we mature in Christ we are able to still rejoice even when things seem "hopeless" in the world's eyes.

Prophetic Warning #2: The collapse of the city's infrastructure.

Since my early twenties I have had a recurring dream that showed thousands of people on the streets. They were waiting for buses and trains: not angry, not rioting, but waiting with resigned looks on their faces. Other people, like me, were walking everywhere they needed to go. There were still some cars and delivery trucks on the roads, but almost no buses. In my dream it was the middle of the day but most of the retail stores were closed. People seemed to have accepted the fact that, if they were taking mass transit, it would take them hours to get where they needed to go.

We tend to treat the city's infrastructure as if it's indestructible. I don't run for the subway because I know another train will come. I expect that when I pick up a landline phone I will get a dial tone. What am I thinking? I'm thinking that since we've paid our taxes these goods and services will continue as normal... but my recurring dream seems to indicate otherwise.

Fortunately, as believers in Jesus Christ we know that our true "infrastructure" is not roads or bridges or waterworks... Christ is our sure foundation and cornerstone. In the midst of confusion and despair, He steps forward and offers incomprehensible peace and unspeakable joy. And His love, flowing through us, captures the attention of the world.

What are you using to build your foundation? I Corinthians 3:10-15 is a wonderful passage to meditate on today, as we reflect on the importance of being grounded in Jesus Christ. Blessings and peace to you, my friends.

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