Monday, October 6, 2008


On Sunday we were privileged to have a guest preacher for our denomination's centennial celebration. Pastor Art shared a relevant word, and this week we'll take a few thoughts from his sermon for further reflection.

It is always a pleasure when God sends a minister from outside our locale, and it's even a greater experience of joy when that minister echoes and reinforces the word that God has been sending through our local pastors and prophets. We are in a season of learning about the kingdom of God, and yesterday's sermon continued that theme.

Today, let's think about the unpleasantries of kingdom business.

At the beginning of his sermon, Pastor Art shared that God is always doing something in His church. We tend to assume that the move of God is always a powerful positive thing to experience. But, that is not the case. We learned two key points that we can ponder.

First, we learned that when God is moving the experience might be unpleasant for us. Certainly Bronx Bethany is experiencing this, as we see a clear increase in demonic activity that I directly attribute to the increased presence and power of the Spirit of Jesus at work in the congregation and in our leaders. (Perhaps I should have begun today's blog by saying "viewer discretion advised", but you're already here so you might as well keep reading.) Yes, there is a battle going on. The devil is very busy and has found some people in church that are open to promoting his agenda of deception and destruction. The enemy's goal, if he cannot derail us, is to immobilize us or distract us. So don't be surprised when things are stolen, people are maligned, or individuals choose the foolishness of antagonism over the wisdom of reconciliation. My friends, don't get thrown off by the distractions. As we have heard before, "stay in your lane".

Second, we learned that God is moving even when we don't see it. This brings to mind the experience of Daniel, whose night in the lion's den served as a teaching tool for nations through the letter of King Darius: "... people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel. For he is the living God and he endures forever; his kingdom will not be destroyed, his dominion will never end" (Daniel 6:26). The Scripture lists Daniel as one who prospered, but that prosperity did not exempt Daniel from slander, relegation to the den of lions, and a life of exile.

In light of Daniel's experience, we can look at our own struggles and receive the prophetic proclamation shared by Pastor Art: "God is positioning you uniquely... and all of a sudden the momentum is going to take off."

Bronx Bethany, move those tent pegs. It seems that our borders will soon be enlarged.

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