Some time ago during one of the rehearsals of a certain choir, as I was commenting on something, one of the choir members made a dangerously negative comment. Of course the individual in question had no idea that years of being married to a musician has made my good hearing even better, so her "whispered" diatribe was quite audible. I think she forgot that I am the daughter of a King, just as she had been called to be. So, I asked God to help all of us hear Him and embrace unity in community. (Within days of her comment, the LORD removed her from ministry and she has not ministered anywhere since then: a real-life example of yesterday's blog, which cautioned us to take care in how we relate to the prophetic community).
But don't condemn her: we all have our moments. I recall vividly the summer of 2005, when Pastor Sam shook my hand and said "So glad to have you on the team!" I looked him right in the face and replied, "I am not on your team." Oh, God is so gracious- I'm so glad God did not strike me dead on the spot, but believe me a chain of events began occuring which I knew were directly related to my defiance of Pastor Sam's position and apostolic authority. In my season of fighting against the work God had called me to do, I'd unwittingly sided with the devil. Fortunately I woke up, apologized, and learned to submit to God's plan and God's agent, and life has been much better since then.
As has been preached over and over at BBCN, let's remember the Judeo-Christian model: there are only two sides. If we say that Jesus is our Savior and Lord, then presumably we should be on His side, right? Well, the scriptures warn us that there is a large group of people that claim to belong to Him but walk in defiance of His mandates. There will be many suprises on the Great Day of the Lord, when the indictment of "the many" unfolds: "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? and in thy name have cast out demons? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then I will profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity" (Matthew 7:22-23).
What is the measuring stick being used? Execution of the will of the Father (Matthew 7:21). That's what I pray for: Father, please reveal Your will to me. Please give me a heart to obey You and do what You say. I want to crucify my own desires and carry out Your will. My preferences are irrelevant in light of Your glory.
God, we are Your body. Do whatever You want to do with us. We are living sacrifices, laying on the altar. We choose to lay here and let You prune us and carve us and purify us with the fire of Your Holy Spirit. Thank You for helping us to look more like You. Thank You for causing us to embrace Your agenda and reject the agenda of the devil who seeks to make us ineffective. Lord Jesus, we love You. Thank You for hearing us. In Your name we pray, Amen.
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