Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Stage Theories

The logical progression, if I were to write in a logical fashion, would be to continue the theme of energy which Pastor Steven spoke about this past Sunday (and which we have blogged the last two days). But I think it might be more interesting to double back to the beginning of the sermon, so that we might reflect on the concept of church as a living, growing entity. This will be a shorter blog than usual: I just want us to have a quick recap of the sermon so we can spend less time reading and more time thinking.

In learning about the Ephesian church, we can read scriptures from Acts, Ephesians, Timothy, and Revelation. These scriptures paint pictures of the church in various stages of development. As a new church, it enjoyed the zeal of radical apostles who were unafraid to challenge the world system of their day. As a growing church, it modified itself to accomodate the new forms of leadership that each era promoted. And finally, we see the exhortation from the resurrected Christ to the mature Ephesian church: "Yet I hold this against you, you have left your first love..." Not the greatest assessment, but they at least could repent and change their ways.

When Jesus pays you a visit, what will He say?

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