Sunday, June 9, 2013

Another Look Into The 10-40 Window.

The nations in the 10/40 Window
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Yesterday morning, Bronx Bethany was privileged to have a meeting featuring missionary Linda Braaten, whose service to the Lord is based in South Africa. Her ministry encompasses the entire continent, as she assists the Church of the Nazarene through writing, editing, publishing, and supporting the work of Christian adult education in African nations through the medium of literature.

In past decades, we used the term “10-40 window” to refer to the physical location of areas of the world which were hotspots for persecution. Countries like India, mainland China, North Korea, and several countries in the Middle East were commonly known to be hostile to Christians. Interestingly, and not surprisingly, our decades of prayer for the 10-40 window have been part of God’s plan to make inroads into these nations. And now, in spite of continuing persecution in parts of the Middle and Far East, many men and women are choosing to submit themselves to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Northern Africa, though, was often left out of the 10-40 prayer equation. 

The continent of Africa, in recent years, has experienced extreme atrocities committed by its own against its own. But, in spite of the trials, revival is happening. There is a need for us to pray with urgency and with confidence that God, who loves His people, will be present to bring salvation and deliverance to those countries as well, for the glory of His name.

Our prayer agenda for Africa centers around three key areas:

  • Prayer against the agenda of Islamic extremists, whose intolerance of religious difference has led to the division of families and the deaths of individuals who believe in Jesus as Lord and Christ;
  • Prayer against the “prosperity gospel”, which supports pagan notions of the role of gods as mere suppliers of fertility and economic well-being as opposed to God being the source of our spiritual well-being above all else;
  • Prayer against an animistic worldview, which purports that one can be “Christian” while continuing to maintain worship and lifestyle choices that run counter to the word of God.

For some of us, the challenges of our own lives have served as a barrier to our taking the time to pray for others… but perhaps we can break through the barrier today.

Lord, help us to spend some time today praying beyond ourselves. Give us grace to point the world to You, through the power of prayer.

1 comment:

  1. Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary
    Pure and holy tried and true
    With thanksgiving I'll be a living
    Sanctuary for you.

    It is as we empty ourselves- as we decrease - that Christ's character of compassion for others will emerge and propel us in love to engage God on behalf of those who don't know Him. Then will we be able to pour out our lives and help fill the void in the lives of so many here and abroad. It is the love of God that will constrain us to share there Gospel that is the power of God unto salvation. ¡Gloria a Dios!
    Blessings galore!
