Wednesday, April 15, 2009

True For Who?

"I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies..." (John 11:25)

Yeah, we've all heard it so many times. Every Easter, every funeral, there's that verse again. And there it was on Sunday, plastered on the front page of the bulletin. No surprise there.

But what does that verse mean? Is your day-to-day living any different because Jesus made that statement?

Let's pull out a few words from John 11:25 to reflect on.

Resurrection: something (or someone) was alive, then died, then was brought back to life again. This word comes from Latin and French origins which suggest the idea of rising: an implication of not just death having occurred, but also burial. In other words, the assumption was that this thing (or person) was permanently dead and disposed of- even decaying- but was then brought back into existence.

Life: something (or someone) is breathing, interacting, responding, growing.

Believe: accept a statement as true, and subsequently engage in action(s) based upon that truth.

SO, getting back to your day-to-day living:

-if I see you with an umbrella, I would say that you believe it might rain, and you've made preparation so that if rain comes you will not be drenched in the storm.

-if I see you making faces and complaining when you're asked to sing to the LORD, or to give to His work, or to pray, I would say that you believe He's not worth your time, talent, or tithe. Sort of a strange place to find yourself in, since He's the One who gave it all to you...

Oh, I would love to follow you around for a week, because your Monday through Saturday life says so much more than your few hours with me on Sunday.

Really, do you believe what He says?
Are you prepared for His reign, or are you about to be drenched in the storm?

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