Saturday, April 18, 2009

Graces Given Generate Gifts.

I would like to encourage the Bronx Bethany family to participate in the next Christian education course. For the next four weeks, beginning the week of April 19, we will be learning together about the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

For some of you this might be dangerous, because obtaining knowledge about the gifts God has given you does imply that you will be expected to operate those gifts in support of the body of Christ. Yes, it's the end of you coming to church late, sitting down and being a spectator for two hours, and going home without having done anything to build up the body of Christ. We need you to identify your gifts and faithfully use them for God's kingdom.

For others of you, obtaining knowledge will demand a shift of responsibilities. For example: there's nothing inherently wrong with singing in a choir, but it's a sin for you to be singing in a choir when you know that God has clearly called you to leave that choir and work for Him as a minister in another part of His vineyard. Say good-bye to your life of being "out of alignment" with God's intent for you.

In addition, we'll learn about the dangers of misusing the gifts we've been given. The exercise of spiritual gifts is never for self-promotion, but is always for the benefit of the local body of Christ- the community in which He has placed you. As we embark on this journey, we would do well to remember the warning we have from the life of Judas Iscariot: a man who was a full participant in the ministry of Jesus Christ, yet who proved to be unfaithful even as he worked alongside his colleagues (see Acts 1:16-17). Gifting of the Spirit without obedience to the Spirit always leads to disaster.

As preparation, you may want to read the following Scripture passages: Romans 12; First Corinthians 12; Ephesians 4; First Peter 4. You'll notice that there is no discussion of gifts without a discussion of love, and perhaps that is the key to engaging in this process without falling into pride or misuse of the gifts God has given by His Spirit.

Please pray for Bronx Bethany as we continue these courses in obedience to the mandate of God.

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