Saturday, April 4, 2009

Pam's Left Hand, Pointing to Ananias and Sapphira.

For those of you who were not in the second service this past Sunday, Pam was a recipient of God's divine healing. This healing occurred while Dan was preaching, and it occurred at the point Dan was explaining the phenomenon of the healing power of God being manifested as a heat or a burning sensation. As he spoke, Pam felt something happening in her left hand. Later in the service, she testified of God's healing and she exhorted Bronx Bethany to be humble before the LORD, so that the LORD would graciously move in the lives of others who are in need of healing.

From January 2006 through December 2008, I was in adult dance ministry with Pam. Frequently Pam and I would meet together to practice outside of rehearsal time, because we both were challenged in maintaining our mental and muscle memory of the choreography. It was during one of these extra practices that Pam, who is left-handed, explained to me about her accident and why she was not able to fully extend her left hand. And I had heard her say, many times, "I have to go home and take my meds".

Last month, for the first time since we've known each other, I stopped by Pam's house one Friday on the way home from Bronx Bethany. I saw what seemed to be a drawer full of pills, and said nothing about it. But I was a little caught off guard, because although I knew she was "on meds" I had not realized that she had so many medications for the pain she experienced.

And, this past Sunday, I saw Pam's left hand... but it was fully open. It was extended. I saw undeniable evidence of the healing power of God. This was not some abstract, Third-World, second-hand recounting. This was my friend and sister in the Lord. The woman I see in church every week. The woman I pray with. My friend was smiling and doing something I knew she could not do: she had every finger of her left hand spread apart. God has healed her.

Now what?

Keep praying and fasting. We have not arrived, Bronx Bethany. Many are skeptical of the supernatural works of God. Many are content in their sin and are refusing to repent. A number of people were absent from church last week and they have no idea that we have experienced the inbreaking of God.

In Acts, particularly chapters 2 through 7, we see the Holy Spirit at work in the early church. And we can expect to see the same work of the Holy Spirit here at Bronx Bethany:

1-The preaching of the whole gospel;
2-The conversion of sinners to the way of Christ;
3-The divine increase of baptisms and church membership;
4-The documented healing of the sick;
5-The dramatic judgement of the wicked;
6-The controversy with spiritual leadership;
7-The persecution of the godly.

We have seen the first four occur at Bronx Bethany. The fifth is next. Please pray.

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