Friday, March 20, 2009

Proposition, Seduction, Destruction.

In this past Sunday's sermon, Pastor Sam warned us of the ways in which we are tempted in "the wilderness experience": a setting in which we are not receiving answers or 'rescues' from God; a setting in which Satan presents himself powerfully, offering alternative options in an attempt to lure us away from the will of God.

Pastor Sam noted the following themes in Matthew 4 verses 1-11:

The seduction to survival: seeking to fulfill normal needs in a satanic way.
"Well, everyone knows you were lonely- they understand you can't control your sexual desires- and she is willing to compromise, so why not take advantage? God hasn't struck you dead, so it must be okay..."

The seduction to significance: choosing personal significance over humble service.
"Well, if you do some spectacular manifestation then you'll prove to everyone who you really are- these people need to understand they're dealing with a premier apostle- they'll respect you when they see how God empowers you..."

The seduction to success: obtaining accolades and credentials in the quickest possible fashion, even if it means disobeying or disbelieving the word of God.
"Well, why take another four years in school? If you would just kiss up to the right people you'd have your robe and your pectoral cross- you would have already been ordained a long time ago, if you would just keep quiet about the whole charisma thing..."

Oh, God help us. It seems many who call themselves Christians still fall for the same old tricks of the devil. The sad thing is that after years of sitting under teachers who tell the truth, some people still prefer the "quick fix" offered by the enemy. There's just one little problem with that strategy:

Satan never delivers the package. He only uses it to lure you into a life of sin.

To those of you who are inclined to be seduced by Satan's propositions, Pastor Sam offered a prophetic warning in the second service. It echoed the word of Elisha: "You will see it with your eyes, but you will not inherit it" (see Second Kings 7 for the context- this chapter is an excellent example of how God responds when His people don't trust Him). Destruction is the end product for anyone who trades God's truth for Satan's lies.

SO, if you're offered a way out of the wilderness that's quick, easy, painless, and involves levels of secrecy or compromise, watch out.

The wilderness journey involves time, pain, uncertainty. It's the place where only God can help you. It's a place to, as Pastor Sam said during the Revelation sermon series, "embrace the pain in light of the purpose".

Embrace the pain. Wander through the wilderness with a trusting heart. And God, in His way and His time, will bring you into a place of rest.

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