Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Preparation Or Procrastination?

On this past Sunday, Pastor Sam shared a relevant, timely, and powerful rhema word from "two definitive sayings of Jesus" (that's a direct quote from his introduction): John 9:4 and John 4:34. Today we'll begin with the end, as we reflect on the conclusion of the sermon.

At the close of the sermon during the first service, Pastor Sam said something like "God help you if you are dragging your feet in the face of urgency."

In reflecting on John 9:4, particularly in light of Pastor Publio's sudden death, we see the reality of time. We don't have "forever" on this earth. We know that... but sometimes that knowledge does not instill within us a sense of urgency to complete the work to which God has called us.

We really only have two choices when God calls us to engage in, and complete, His work:

Preparation. In both services Pastor Sam spoke about the twin tools of gifting and training. There are some skills that God has graced us with as part of our spiritual gift-mix, and there are other skills that we can acquire through education. Often, both are necessary in the process of completing the work of Him who sent us.

Procrastination. There are spiritual forces that oppose us and seek to undermine the work of the Lord and the sovreign plan of God: perhaps the most prominent opposing forces are the spirit of fear and the spirit of apathy. Things like aversion to risk, disinterest, or competing agendas fuel these destructive spirits and hinder us from reaching our full potential in Christ.

At the close of the sermon during the second service, Pastor Sam made a reference to Ephesians 5:15-18. Paul urges the church in Ephesus to "redeem the time, for the days are evil" (from verse 16). Our awareness of our own temporal nature should drive us to a corresponding desire to maximize the relatively short time we have on this earth... for even if we live to be a hundred years old, what is a hundred years in light of eternity? And what sort of track record will be recorded next to our names?

Oh Lord God, You know how tired I am, and how I struggle with procrastination and despair. But in my spirit I know that You have called me to do a particular work in support of the building of Your kingdom. Please help me to realize that You have gifted me and trained me so that Your work can go forward. Thank You, God, for this amazing privilege of participating with You in works that lead to eternal life. Help me to be fully engaged in this work, Your work, to Your glory. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

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