Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Church Of The Nazarene (Charismatic)

I think that there's an interesting link between the mission of Jesus as detailed in the John 4 and John 9 passages, and our Back to Basics courses on the Holy Spirit.

When we do God's will and God's work, it seems that people can't help but notice. And I really believe that something happens, some sort of manifestation, that makes it clear we are engaged in the work of God.

I often think of Acts 6, a passage we discussed in one of our Back to Basics lessons. And I will say to you, as I said in one of my classes, that this selection of Stephen is something to reflect on in light of the will of God and the work of God.

The twelve apostles did not choose Stephen. In Acts 6:3 we see that the selection of the seven men (for overseeing food distribution, and that's a blog for another time) was a task delegated to the community. What was the selection criteria?

A man with a degree in hospitality and food management? No.
A man who was fluent in Greek and Hebrew? No.
A man who held political clout and had friends in the Sanhedrin? No, that wouldn't work either.

The apostles basically said:

1. Choose seven men from among you;
2. Choose seven men who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom.

I did check this verse in my husband's Greek New Testament (Pastor Benji and Pastor Sam seem to have started a little brush fire with this Greek thing), where I once again saw the word "kai"- which we translate as "and", but which can also be translated as "even"- so perhaps we could say that the second criteria was for seven men full of the Spirit, even wisdom. It's reminiscent of the list we see in Isaiah 11:2:

And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD;

Well, here's the question. How is it that a community of thousands had no trouble pointing out Stephen as a man with these qualities?

There are really only two possible answers:

1. Declaration- It was something that they heard Stephen say;
2. Manifestation- It was something that they saw Stephen do.

In the Church of the Nazarene we seem to be a little nervous about certain public, or charismatic, expressions of Spirit-fullness. I think that perhaps people are afraid of not being able to distinguish the work of the Spirit of God from the counterfeit works of the enemy.

Well, there is counterfeit money in the world... does that stop you from using real money?

We Nazarenes tend to promote the fruit of the Spirit more so than the gifts of the Spirit, because our love for others is a key evidence of our standing in God (see First John 3). But God has also designated particular gifts of the Spirit for the purpose of buiding up His body, the Church (see First Corinthians 12). To be a healthy church, we need both in operation.

I pray that you will choose to allow the Holy Spirit to have full control in your life, and that you will not block His working in you and through you.

God bless you my friends.

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