Friday, November 7, 2008

When Presence And Power Are Not Enough.

Some time ago we talked about the indictment against "the many" (see Matthew 7:22-23), and today I'd like to revisit that in light of this past Sunday's sermon.

There are some churches that are full of bench-warmers. People come in, they listen, and at the end of the service they go home. But during the week there is no evidence to support their claim of faith in Jesus Christ: they are tyrants at work and at home, they don't pray or read scripture or engage in spiritual disciplines... yet there they are, back the next Sunday, sitting in that same row, as if the act of being in church once a week is sufficient to save their souls.

Being present is not enough.

To compound matters, the Matthew passage indicts not the bench-warmers, but the first-string players. The ones who have prophetic giftings. The ones who can exorcise demons. The ones who can do miracles. The ones who have won the respect and love of the congregation because of the marvelous gifts being used among God's people. What does Jesus say? Get out of My sight; you are not on My team.

Being powerful is not enough.

What is God looking for?

Growth. Growing in grace, being submitted to the Holy Spirit who teaches us to say no to ungodliness (see Titus 2:12), learning to recognize the voice of God and be swift to obey Him.

Love. Our demonstration of love for God and love for each other points the world to Jesus, and prevents us from stumbling into sin (First John 2:10). Additionally, our increased love for God leads us to obey Him, and to reject any love for the things of this world (First John 2:15-17).

Certainly there are other things God expects of His children, but for today let's just reflect on these: to grow in the grace of God, and to demonstrate God's unconditional love. Two acts of humble obedience that far surpass our presence and power in ministry.

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