"Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe it." John 20:25
Why is it that we don't trust each other?
I won't be too hard on Thomas because I've seen the same scenario played out over and over again. Let me explain.
Thomas was called to be a disciple. He and eleven other men spent three years as a cohort, working together collaboratively to learn from Jesus, to follow Him, to cast out demons and heal the sick in His name, et cetera. The guys knew each other.
But at the end of the day, when Thomas (for whatever reason) missed that post-resurrection encounter with Christ detailed in John 20:19, Thomas would not accept the word of the men who were his closest colleagues.
Yes, I hear the elation in your voice, but I don't believe your testimony.
Yes, I see your overjoyed faces, but I don't believe your testimony.
Yes, we've been working together for three years, but I don't believe your testimony.
Unless I see and touch Him for myself, I will not believe it.
Have you been on the receiving end of the distrust of someone who is supposed to be your friend and fellow soldier in the fight of faith?
Yes, I believe God spoke to the pastors but I'm not doing this Back to Basics thing.
Yes, I know that God opens heaven when we tithe but I just can't.
Yes, I've read that when we give God causes others to give to us but I am not on board with Forward in Faith.
Yes, I love Pastor Sam but he's kind of gone too far out into the deep water; I just don't believe we'll see a new physical plant.
If that's you lurking behind those italicized words, may I implore you to give God a chance? May I implore you to walk in obedience to Him?
Back to Basics- obedience in meditating on the word of God (Psalm 1)
Tithing- obdeience in giving back to God what is rightfully His (Malachi 3)
Giving- being a blessing to others by sharing, even out of our lack (Mark 12:41-44)
Believing- demonstrating our faith in God by believing His word and the message of His servants whom He sent to teach us (Second Chronicles 20:20)
What is the word to Thomas? "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed" (John 20:29). Will you make that word your own?
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