Wednesday, May 14, 2014


So Moses brought their case before the LORD. (Numbers 27:5)

In this past Sunday's sermon, Pastor Joy shared with us from Numbers 27:1-11. In the narrative, we find that Zelophehad's daughters appealed to the Israelite leadership in the presence of the whole community. In response to their appeal, Moses made an appeal to God.

As our pastor noted on Sunday, the actions of these women were unprecedented. In the midst of a patriarchal society, the women were bold enough to ask for two things: preservation of their father's name in the clan, and allocation of the land that would have been given to a male in their family. Their ultimate concern was for the legacy of their father to be honored, and that concern overrode the cultural norm of women not being included in property ownership.

Moses, in turn, also engaged in an unusual act. Even though he had already received laws and clear instructions from God about the division of land, Moses took the time to ask God for specific direction concerning the appeal of the five sisters.

We serve a God who allows appeals! The Scriptures have an astounding roster of men and women who have asked, and received, answers to their appeals for God's compassion and intervention. Here are a few examples:
  • Cain requested and received a mark so that he would not be killed by another man (Genesis 4:13-15);
  • Rahab requested and received a promise of deliverance for herself and her family (Joshua 2:12-14);
  • King Hezekiah requested and received an extension of life (Second Kings 20:1-6).
Is there something you are facing that seems inevitable, based on the laws and circumstances that surround you? Appeal to God. He may say yes, or He may say no, but He has blessed us with the ability to ask... and so we ask. Who knows what our Lord might change?

He answered, "While the child was still alive I fasted and wept. I thought, 'Who knows? The LORD may be gracious to me and let the child live.'" (Second Samuel 12:22)

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