Saturday, February 2, 2013

Prepare To Live Again: Revival Meetings 2013.

As we anticipate our Revival Services at Bronx Bethany February 10 through 13, let us take time over the next week to prayerfully prepare for these special services. I pray that the words of Richard Owen Roberts (listed below) will be a help to us as we contemplate revival.

  1. When prayer ceases to be a vital part of a professing Christian's life, revival is needed.
  2. When the quest for biblical truth ceases and one grows content with the knowledge of eternal things already acquired, there is need for revival.
  3. When the biblical knowledge possessed or acquired is treated as an external fact that is not applied inwardly, revival is needed.
  4. When earnest thoughts about eternal things cease to be regular and gripping, revival is needed.
  5. When the services of the church lose their delights, revival is needed.
  6. When pointed spiritual discussions are an embarrassment, revival is needed.
  7. When sports, recreation, and entertainment are a large necessary part of one's lifestyle, revival is needed.
  8. When sins of the body and mind can be indulged without an uproar in one's conscience, revival is needed.
  9. When the aspirations for Christ-like holiness cease to be dominant in one's life and thinking, revival is needed.
  10. When the acquisition of money and goods becomes a dominant part of your thinking, and lifestyle, revival is needed.
  11. When you can mouth religious songs and words without heart, revival is needed.
  12. When you hear the Lord's name taken in vain, spiritual concerns mocked, and eternal issues flippantly treated, and not be moved to indignation and action, revival is needed.
  13. When you can watch degrading movies and television and read morally debilitating literature, revival is needed.
  14. When breaches of peace in the brotherhood are of no concern to you, revival is needed.
  15. When the slightest excuse is sufficient to keep you from spiritual duty and opportunity, revival is needed.
  16. When you've become content with your lack of spiritual power and no longer seek repeated encouragements and power from on high, revival is needed.
  17. When you pardon your own sin and laziness by saying "The Lord understands and remembers that we are dust," revival is needed.
  18. When there is no music in your soul and no song in your heart, the silence testifies that revival is needed.
  19. When you adjust happily to the world's lifestyle, your own mirror will tell you the truth that revival is needed.
  20. When injustice and human misery exist around you and you do little or nothing to relieve the suffering, revival is needed.

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