Saturday, December 5, 2009

Prostitute, Puppet, Preacher.

There is nothing in Scripture that condones the purchase or sale of spiritual gifts. In fact, we have evidence in both the Old and New Testaments that God despised the use of financial means for the securing of ministry gifts and graces: we have the example of Balaam in Numbers 22 through 25,and we have the example of Simon the sorcerer in Acts 8. By these examples we are warned not to peddle spiritual gifts for personal profit, nor to sell impartations of spiritual gifts.

But what above the reverse? How do we respond in situations where a church leader, or church board, asks a person to cease and desist from exercising their spiritual gifts? Well, we do see in Acts 11 that the apostle Peter had such a situation with the religious leaders concerning the conversion and baptism of Cornelius's household. In a nutshell, they were upset that Peter had preached to Gentiles. And what was the final decision? "When they heard this (Peter's testimony), they had no further objections" (Acts 11:18). The manifestation of the presence and power of the Spirit was enough to convince the leaders that God's stamp of approval was on Peter.

Let's bring this closer to home. What sort of a preacher are you looking for: a prostitute who will lick your earlobes and tell you everything you want to hear? Or a puppet who will let you turn his head from side to side, and who will tell the people everything you want to be said?

Well, that's not what you need. Let me tell you what you need:

-Men and women of God who are more interested in obeying Him than placating you.

It's really that simple. If you are not in a place where obedience is more important than your personal satisfaction, then I urge you to repent and turn wholeheartedly to the will and the way of our Lord Jesus. His will is to do the will of the Father. His way is the narrow road of suffering and self-sacrifice. He loves, He graces, He gives. Liberally. He forgives. He prays.

Make His way your way!

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