Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2010: Expression In The Chaos.

"And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." (Genesis 1:2)

Disorder, unpredictability, turbulence, utter confusion. Chaos.

We approach the new year in the same way we approach each new morning: we have no idea what the day will bring, but we trust God to bring us through each day.

The account of Creation in Genesis 1 is a powerful expression of the work of the Holy Spirit. He manifests His presence and His power even in the face of an earth "without form".

There's an old chorus that goes something like "Move Holy Spirit, move in my life, move Holy Spirit, make me like Christ". And it begs the question, do you really want Him to move in your life?

The earth was disorganized, and the Spirit of God was on standby, ready to act when the opportune time came. And when God said "Let there be light", light was. And light has never stopped being. A word spoken once; a word acted upon in the world; a world changed forever.

When the Lord speaks a word, and when the Spirit does a work, and when you respond in humble obedience, you are changed forever.

One warning: when we dare to say "I am the servant of the Lord; let it be unto me according to what you have said", it may mean that we will be thrust into hardship, misunderstanding, suffering, and perhaps even chaos. But the Spirit of the Lord is there: hovering, brooding, moving, fully prepared to do that thing which will change our lives forever.

Yes, Lord, it is worth the hardship, disgrace, and misunderstanding! It is worth experiencing turbulence and uncertainty! Your Word shows us that at the right time, You will step in and do amazing, profound things that will effect permanent change in us. Help us, Lord, to look at a chaotic world through the eyes of faith, knowing that Your Spirit is standing by. In Jesus's name we pray. Amen.

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