Saturday, October 31, 2009

Synchronized Praying.

Reverend Joel gave a wonderful example of someone who was praying for him during a television broadcast, but the person didn't realize that the event they were "praying for" had ended several hours before it aired... they were wasting time praying in an attempt to change a dialogue that had already occurred!

When we pray, are we led by what we see in front of us? Perhaps we should instead engage the idea of solely being led by the Holy Spirit. Here's an example. Some time ago the Lord prompted an individual to pray on a Sunday for a worship service that was scheduled to occur the following Tuesday. The person prayed on the Sunday, then stopped praying on the Monday. Why? Because the Holy Spirit had assured that the prayer was heard and responded to: in other words, any additional prayer for that event would have been redundant at best.

How hard this can be. We live in a world where much of our decision-making is based not on the leading of the Holy Spirit, but instead based on what we see, hear, or read. That's a hard thing to change... but not impossible. I pray that each of us will be courageous and submit our entire wills to the Spirit of Jesus- to see what He sees, hear what He hears, say what He says. When we "pray in sync" (Rev. Joel's phrase) with the Spirit, we can be sure that our prayer is in accordance with the will of God.

Have a wonderful weekend my friends, and remember to pray- according to the will of God.

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