Tuesday, October 27, 2009

In Dialog With The Prophet Joel.

Friends, I've been wondering how to blog on the revival services and leadership symposium. Part of my challenge is that our guest preacher, Rev. Dr. Joel Edwards, shared some material that is in his book (that is, it's copyrighted). So I cannot go into detail about each of the sermons and discussions, but will instead try to give a broad overview that pulls together some of the major concepts we reflected on over the past week.

Today, let's just reflect on one thing from last week, which I'll address in the form of questions regarding Bronx Bethany's English-speaking ministry:

-In light of Bronx Bethany being called by God to reach the nations, how does a majority Jamaican church successfully cross cultural and national boundaries?

-In the book of Acts, we see 12 Galileans that successfully preached the Gospel for the saving of souls from many nations. Then, as the first-century church increased, God built a multicultural, multinational staff to move His work forward. Can our all-Jamaican pastoral and administrative staff do the same thing in the 21st century- preach the Gospel, win souls, and embrace the diversity in leadership that God intends to build?

-What about you? Are you ready and willing to be used by God in His strategy of reaching the nations, or would you prefer to sit back and just let the pastors do all the work? Remember, we are each called to a form of service in God's vineyard.

This last point was echoed by Pastor Cole in Sunday's service: FIND YOUR PLACE. On Sunday, less than five minutes before the first service was supposed to start, an usher asked me to pin a corsage on Pastor Sam's lapel. Which I attempted... somewhat nervously, reluctantly, and fully aware that the persons best suited to the task were nowhere to be found. (I hope I didn't ruin his suit with pinholes.) I was out of place. Trying to help but not being much help.

Prior to the corsage crisis, I was outside sweeping leaves off of the front walkway of the church. No one asked me to sweep. I just saw that many leaves were on the walk, some of them were still wet from Saturday's rain, and I knew someone might slip on the wet leaves. And I knew where the broom was. Ah, then I was in my place. Successfully sweeping, with the joy of the Lord: no audience but Him, no accolades from man. What a wonderful experience that was.

Have you taken time to consider what you can do for the Lord? Maybe you can skip church one Sunday and go share the love of Christ by taking your non-Christian friend to breakfast or lunch. Since they don't come to church, you bring the church to them. Be present and influential in their space. Or maybe there is some other thing that, when you do it, you experience the joy of the Lord. You would do it for free. You would do it with no one watching. You wouldn't mind it no one notices. Do you know what that thing is for you?

Lord, show us what things You have made us to do for You and for the establishment of Your kingdom here on earth. And give us courage and grace to do those things.

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