Friday, June 27, 2014


"There are some things we can only learn in God's waiting room." -Rev. Dr. Bud Reedy

So when He heard that Lazarus was sick, He stayed where He was two more days. (John 11:6)

Then Jesus said, "Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?" (John 11:40)

In John 11:1-44 we have the account of a family that experienced God's Waiting Room. When Lazarus became ill, Martha and Mary did the best thing they knew to do: they called for Jesus, their Lord and Friend, and they waited. Jesus waited too. And, from the perspective of Martha and Mary, Jesus waited too long. The sisters buried their dead brother. When Jesus showed up, Martha was reluctant for the tomb to be opened after such delay. But Lazarus, who had been in the tomb for four days, was brought back to life by the word of the Lord, and the community was astounded at the powerful miracle.

Fast-forward to June 27, 2014. Some of us are asking the Lord to show up on our behalf. Some of us are experiencing the pain of God showing up "too late". Some of us are asking the Lord to not open the tomb where our lost hopes are buried. And some of us are on the edge of witnessing a profound miracle.

O Lord, our Lord, we submit to Your schedule; we trust Your timing; we wait with believing hearts. 

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