Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Know-Do Dichotomy.

"There might be persons who are worshiping faithfully... and many of them know exactly what God wants. The problem is, in their hearts, they have now come to resign that you can't do what God says. The old lie is still reverberating." (Pastor Sam)

In Sunday's sermon, Pastor Sam spoke of the danger of Christians being found to be ineffective or false witnesses. In particular, as we live in this world that is cynical and skeptical of the Christian faith, we must be able to not only speak truth, but also to live truth so that the world can have a true vision of what Christianity is all about.

Some Christians have had an experience of salvation, but have not been radically transformed by the Spirit of God. That is, they know God, but they are not doing God's will because their lives are not governed by God. But, for Christians who are authentic, credible witnesses, the Spirit's character transforms their character.

Our pastor shared the question from Acts: "Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?" (Acts 19:2, italics mine) God calls us into synergy with Himself, and this synergy is accomplished not through our determination, but by the work of His Spirit. And when the Spirit is present in us, His character is expressed through us, and the will of God is done by us.

For those readers who know that their character is indicative of a lack of authenticity, today's prayer is paraphrased from the end of Pastor Sam's sermon. I pray that, as you pray, you will experience God's Spirit helping you to become a credible witness.

Spirit of God, if anything is to happen in me, it will only come through You. I surrender my efforts to You so that You can do what is needed in me. Amen.

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