Monday, August 19, 2013

First Things First...

As I sat in church yesterday, a question came to me: What percentage of our congregation attends Bronx Bethany Church of the Nazarene primarily because they have a vested interest in holiness, both as a tradition and as a personal lifestyle?

I'll repeat a story here from a few years ago. Back then, I was teaching a class for the School of Christian Maturity. During one session, I asked the students: "If Pastor Sam left Bronx Bethany and the denomination replaced him with another pastor, would you still attend this church?"

Let's be real. Some of us attend our church primarily because they love Pastor Sam and/or Pastor Cole. Others were present because, primarily, they loved Pastor Benjie; and when he left, they left. And this phenomenon does not just occur in Bronx Bethany. We live in a city where churches are as plentiful as cars, and several of us are free to make choices based on our personal preferences. So our souls, which crave the healthy spiritual food that only Christ can offer, are instead fed with our carnal desire to be comfortable, with a little bit of spirituality sprinkled on top for garnish. Some of us are sitting in the pews of a Wesleyan-Holiness church, but are not really interested in learning what it means to live as a holy people of God.

What is our primary position as members of a Nazarene church? At the start of yesterday's sermon, Pastor Sam noted that we are custodians of the holiness tradition. If we have not committed ourselves to lives of holiness, then we will find ourselves ill-equipped for carrying out the mission and vision of our church. That is, in order to be a "redemptive influence in the Bronx and in the world", we must have an experiential understanding of the life of the redeemed. We don't just learn the Word; we live the Word.

As we go through our day today, let's keep in the mind one Scripture passage that Pastor Sam shared (written below). I encourage all of us to memorize it, in whatever translation is easiest for you to retain. Tomorrow, we will continue our reflection on this aspect of our church's mission statement.

For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in this present age. (Titus 2:11-12)

Question: What is your primary reason for attendance and membership in your home church?

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