Friday, August 23, 2013

Carry Out.

On this past Sunday, Pastor Sam shared three ways in which we employ the strategy of incarnational holiness: relevance, revelation, and redemption. In yesterday's post we discussed relevance. Today, we'll consider revelation.


Our pastor noted that we are relevant not simply to maintain the status quo, but to offer the world a glimpse into our Christ-transformed lives. We are different! We must be different than the world in order to help it. We cannot be relevant if we do not carry the revelation.

How do we reveal the transforming power of Christ to the world? We do so as salt and light. Pastor Sam, in referencing Matthew 5:13, used the salt and light analogies to remind us of our need to share our faith. Salt in the saltshaker doesn't make sense. Light under a bushel doesn't make sense.

Light illumines; salt preserves. When light is shined into a dark space, the light is not overcome. When salt is added to food, the salt is not overwhelmed. What an encouragement that God has given us this assurance! It doesn't take much light to drive out darkness. It doesn't take much salt to flavor food. Our small testimony is a powerful thing in God's hands.

Will you be salt and light in the world today?

Thank You, Lord, that through You we can live these analogies! You have called us to be salt and light. Give us grace to walk, and talk, and live, in accordance with Your calling.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for faithfully sharing, Genise. Besides, it keeps me abreast of the Holy Spirit's moving at Bronx Bethany. I particularly, appreciate the point of valuing the sharing of one's testimony. Someone is often made better by a shared testimony. I'm reminded of Antoinette Tuff's sharing her testimony with a distraught young man with a plan to wreak havoc. She was indeed light and and salt in that community in Georgia and thanks to technology in the world. The stage she was called to stand on did not deter her will to share what God has done for her. She could give him glory in the bad times and in the good times.
    May we fully appropriate all that is embodied in our identity with Christ and be willing to share our testimony today - being light and salt in our community, today (in physical contact or via some tech device)!
