Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Time Piece.

In this past Sunday's sermon, Pastor Joy shared that there is an analog clock in the main office that does not work. That is, it shows the correct time twice per day, but at any other time the clock is inaccurate. However, despite its inaccuracy, it's a beautiful clock.

She used the story of the clock as an example of what we sometimes experience in the community of faith. There are those persons who, if caught at the "right" time of day, appear to be firmly connected to the vine, who is Christ. However, a closer inspection over time reveals that the persons are not connected, but are actually branches that have not remained in Him; they are withering, and their ultimate end is to be gathered up as deadwood and cast into the fire (see John 15).

In referring to the office clock, Pastor Joy said: "It is decorative, but not productive." And her comment bears reflection. When we hear that someone or something is unproductive, we tend to think of analogies related to sloth or laziness or poor performance. But in Christendom, we are saturated with beautiful people and bustling programs. Like the disconnected branch lingering near the vine, everything looks great.

But our sense of "production" is not measured in activity, nor is it measured in performance. It is measured in produce: the fruit of the Holy Spirit, which was mentioned in yesterday's blog post. We hear the command of Jesus: Remain in Me. It is not a call to the knowing of intellect; it is a call to the knowing of intimacy. Intimacy with Christ is proven by the fruit we bear.

Our pastor reminded us that, according to John 15:7 and 15:8, intimacy with Christ is accomplished through consistent closeness to Him and total dependence on Him. He alone is the means through which we can experience abundant life and eternal life. His Spirit is the only means by which we, having sown in intimacy, reap in true productivity.

Lord, give us grace to experience intimacy with You, so that our lives might show the fruit of Your Spirit at work in and through us. Help us to be truly productive: not just every once in a while, but consistently, every moment of the day, to the glory of Your name. Amen.

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