Saturday, April 21, 2012

Yes, I'm Excited About Jesus: A Commentary On Passion.

During the week, my husband and I spent time reflecting on the sermon. At one point in our conversation he said, of Pastor Richie, "He preached with passion."

This year, so far, has indeed been a season where leaders and congregants alike have been experiencing a profound presence of God. And as our love for Him deepens, it is being expressed through impassioned conversation. Impassioned worship. Impassioned service.

Why are we excited? Because we know the story! We have the Scriptures, and the inner witness of the Holy Spirit, which assures us of the finished work of Jesus Christ. Yes, shout it from the rooftops. Yes, preach with passion. Yes, sing exuberantly. Yes, serve selfLESSly. Let's give it all we've got.

Serve like you're serving the King. Because you are.
Worship like it's only between you and the Lord of glory. Because it is.
Converse like it's your last chance to share Christ with a dying world. Because it might be.

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