Friday, March 2, 2012

Yes, Sir!

The (steward) who had received five talents went off right away and put his money to work and gained five more. In the same way, the one who had two gained two more. (Matthew 25:16-17)

"Right away."

There are some people in my life who I obey immediately, without question and without backtalk. I am okay with these people having authority over me, because I love them dearly and I trust them unequivocally. They expressed love and trust of me in moments where I was really messed up and unlovable, and I am eternally indebted to them. So when they ask me to do something, and especially when they authorize me to act on their behalf, I do it. No conditions attached.

The faithful stewards' eagerness in their work was an expression of their love and trust of the master who loved and trusted them. Jesus tells this parable as an example of how things work in the kingdom of God: it is a kingdom of love, love expressed in joyful vigorous service to our Lord.

How amazing that God allows us to act on His behalf! We are the body of Christ, and His Spirit has empowered us to do things for the sake of the kingdom of God. In this past Sunday's sermon, Pastor Sam shared two characteristics found in faithful stewards:

Faithful stewards risk everything. In the parable, we see that the faithful stewards did not hold anything back. They worked hard, they took risks, and they received returns on their investments.

Faithful stewards act immediately. They did not second-guess their master's choices. They didn't seek to modify their work assignment. They went out right away and got to work immediately. They made excellent use of the time they had. And when their master returned, they were able to present a positive accounting of how they handled his resources.

How about you? Is your life an expression of faithful stewardship?

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