Friday, August 28, 2009

Glossa Water Year In Review: "Judas Rising: Indignation And Insurrection"

(originally posted February 27, 2009)

Today, let's reflect on Mark 14:10-11.

Then Judas Iscariot,...

Judas, one of the people at the party, was vocal about his indignation at Mary's offering of pure nard. In response to Judas's complaint, Jesus commended Mary's actions and said that there would be a permanent link between her extravagant gift and the preaching of the gospel. of the Twelve,...

There must have been such a tension in the room, for Jesus to rebuke His disciples- His closest companions- in favor of a woman who exhibited behavior that was culturally and economically inappropriate. And Judas, as the one who spoke up, was clearly identified as being in opposition to what Jesus felt was important.

...went to the chief priests...

Well, I guess it makes sense that Judas, if he was complaining about a Man he perceived as just a rabbi, would take the complaint "one step up" and file a grievance with the priests in charge. betray Jesus to them...

Apparently, the events that occurred at the party were sufficient to cause Judas to shift from being a disgruntled disciple to being an insurrectionist. But, as the John passage tells us, Judas had been frequently breaking the law of God (see John 12:6)- so perhaps it is no surprise that Judas stood in opposition to Jesus.

...They were delighted to hear this and promised to give him money...

What a classic satanic move. The devil doesn't entice you with things you don't care about: a pack of cigarettes is no temptation for the man who has no desire or inclination to smoke. In this case we have already seen in John 12:6 that Judas was a thief, and thieves generally steal things that they want to keep for themselves. The chief priests made the perfect offer, and Judas agreed to betray Jesus.

...So he watched for an opportunity to hand him over.

Judas. A man who spent years in the company of God, in the very presence of Jesus, but was not open to the heart of God. Three years of direct instruction from the Master had no effect on his heart. The action of being directly involved in ministries of healing and deliverance could not deliver him from his desire to steal. And so Judas watched.

Christe eleison: Christ, have mercy on me, I don't want to be the one who lifts a hand against Your plan and program. Help me to be an extravagant giver and an extreme worshipper who lives a life of obedience to you.

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