Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Manner of Living

Psalm 1 presents a look at the manner in which the righteous and unrighteous conduct themselves in their day-to-day living. Let's take a quick "walk-through" of some of the images of the lost, derived from Psalm 1:1.

If you want to forfeit your blessed state, then walk in the counsel of the ungodly. "Walking in" suggests that we are carrying out the suggestion and mandate of another individual. This reminds me of the classic question, "If so-and-so tells you to go jump off a bridge, would you do it?" There is that undercurrent of danger in being a blind follower, ignorant to the consequences of heeding the word of someone whose agenda is contrary to the heart and plan of God.

If you want to forfeit your blessed state, then keep company with sinners and adapt their lifestyle. Who are we hanging out with? Who do we spend our precious time with? Where are we sowing our money and energy and talent? How do we live as salt and light without compromise? It's the challenge of being in the world, but not of it; loving and seeking and saving the lost while maintaining your faith, your integrity, your character.

If you want to forfeit your blessed state, then join in with those who mock the plan and purpose of God. This is a tricky thing to discuss, but let me be straight up with you. There are people who call themselves Christians, who are regular church attenders, some even church members holding positions of leadership, that are quick to mock the plan and purpose of God. To use a metaphor, these are they who, when the pastor has called for a church-wide fast, eat incessantly. Their words and actions indicate that they are not interested in God's program, and in fact will publicly oppose it. What a dangerous way to live.

We will continue tomorrow with a look at the way of the righteous.

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