Friday, July 26, 2013

Engagement Party.

Today, let's reflect on some of the points shared by Pastor Joy (paraphrased here):

  • We are not just people who pray; we are people who have a life of prayer.
  • The devil is relentless in pursuing us. We must be relentless in pursuing God.
  • God overrides our natural inclination towards unforgiveness.
  • The closer we are to God, the more empowered we are to pursue holiness and promote healing.


*Are we engaged in a life of prayer? (First Thessalonians 5:17; Ephesians 6:18)
*Do we make the pursuit of God's presence a habit? (Psalm 5:1-8)
*Have we committed ourselves to the demonstration of authentic forgiveness? (Matthew 6:12-15)
*Can we describe ourselves as being a people who draw close to God? (James 4:4-10)

Lord God, may our prayer walk always match up with our prayer talk.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed! "Lord God, may our prayer walk always match up with our prayer talk." Genise, the questions you've asked do help drive our introspection that's so vital in today's fast pace of disengagement. I think they are all encapsulated in this one:"Do we make the pursuit of God's presence a habit?" Yes, Pastor Joy did have me thinking and the scripture I left with was simply "God was with Joseph and prospered him? That can only be said of us when we ourselves pursue God's presence - pursue holiness!
