Thursday, November 26, 2009

Like A Cell Dividing, Grows The Church of God...

Pastor Benji began his sermon on November 8th with this statement: "God takes us through a process in order to establish us": and our pastor noted that creation itself is an example of this process.

It's something that we don't talk about much, but let's talk about it today. What happens in creation, and how does it relate to our spiritual journey?

-Growth involves death. That beautiful tree is there because one seed was buried in the ground. We are spiritually alive because Jesus died and was buried for us, then rose again in all power as our King and Intercessor. And by His grace He causes us to die to sin so that we might live for Him and pray for others to be added to His eternal kingdom.

-Growth involves division. When a child is conceived, there is a series of divisions of cells that must take place in order for the baby to be born "normal" (that is, with all parts functioning correctly). Are you getting the analogy? We are one body of Christ with many parts. Sometimes the Lord sovreignly moves people to different areas of the local church or the world, in order to maximize the functioning of the Church as a whole. We cannot have a church full of administrators with no prophets or teachers in the house. God will do whatever must be done in order to see His church functioning correctly, and sometimes that means division of labor or even dispersion of resources.

-Growth involves food and water. As we receive the word of God and are empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are equipped to appropriate the sacrificial love of Christ and the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit. As we operate the gifts of God in us, we participate in His mandate to preach, teach, baptize, heal, and work miracles (see Matthew 28:18-20 and Mark 16:15-18). And, as those things are done, the Lord will increase the church (Acts 2).

LORD God, help us to be real and recognize that Your way of doing things may involve pain, separation, or even death, for the sake of growing Your body the Church. Help us to accept and experience these things from Your perspective. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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