Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mary: "Misconduct" Misconstrued

Well, all I can say is thank God the party wasn't at Bronx Bethany. But if it was, here is what it would look like:

There would be people sitting around, just eating and having a good time, but then each one realizes that there's a distinct smell of spikenard in the air...

"WHO sprayed perfume in here?"
"Oh my God it's so strong- they must have used the whole bottle on themselves."
"Psst- look at her!"
"That is so lewd- why is she rubbing the Teacher's feet with her hair?"
"Why is the Teacher even letting her do that to him?"
"Mary, why did you waste all that perfume on the Teacher?"
"Uh, Mary, wasn't that supposed to be for your retirement?"
"If you were going to get rid of it you should have at least sold it, I could have spent the money on- I mean we could have used the money to help out at the shelter."
"Listen Mary, I know you're friends with the Teacher but your behavior is really inappropriate. You're making everyone uncomfortable. You need to stop it."

Oh, to live for the commendation of Jesus, even in the face of reproach from man!

Jesus says, "Leave her alone... She has done a beautiful thing" (see Mark 14:6).

Mary knew that this itinerant preacher was more than just another rabbi: He was the Christ, the One who came from God, the One who was the source of redemption and healing for the whole world.

Mary knew that Jesus was the King, and she brought the best offering she could think of.

In today's society we are bombarded with preachers that treat God like a pawn shop: Okay, you give God this and He'll give you that... but what does the passage say?

Well, it does not say that Mary will recoup her investment.
It does not say that Mary will gain respect in her faith community.
Mary was ridiculed by the other guests, including Jesus' own disciples.
Are you willing to be ridiculed for your passion towards Jesus?

Yes, Lord. In the face of what You've done for me, I understand that You are more than just a nice teacher. You are my God, and I have no other choice than to worship You by giving my best to You. Here, take my money. I give up my own agenda. Take my passion. I will gladly be misunderstood, misconstrued, maligned for going public with this worship that is "no holds barred". I love You, Jesus.

When the true worship comes forth, it won't be in the form of people singing "Take My Heart" with a reggae beat. True worship originates from a contrite heart and a broken spirit. It comes from the soul that is in anguish over its sin, and in awe of the amazing grace of God. True worship is evidenced by obedience to Christ in how you give and how you live.

Pastor Sam said it on Sunday, and it's true: People who are not givers regard givers as being wasteful and irresponsible.

And I will add this: People who are not worshippers regard Jesus as "just another teacher", and they treat Him with the same disdain that they present against His servants.

As for me, I'm going to keep pouring out my worship to Jesus. What about you?

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