Friday, February 17, 2017

In the Fibers

I went out for a stroll during my lunch break today, taking a few minutes to browse in different stores. A carpet store had a small rug on display outside, with a reasonable price posted, so I decided to step into the store to see what else they offered.

That's when it hit me... the smell of cigarette smoke.

The shopkeeper had been smoking in the back office, apparently as a matter of course, and the smell had permeated the entire store. The fibers of all those carpets and rugs had absorbed the odor. I wondered how many sales opportunities had been missed: the merchandise was beautiful to look at, but any customer who was not a smoker would probably opt to buy a fresher-smelling product elsewhere.

As Christians, we carry a fragrance as well. The apostle Paul wrote:

But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. (Second Corinthians 2:14, NASB)

My prayer is that each of us will be found carrying the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ.

Open the door to my soul;
Find there love and compassion,
Action matching confession.
Each fiber of my being,
Sing the fragrance of the King.
Lord Christ, save and keep me whole.

What's in the fibers of your faith-walk?

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