Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Right... From The Start.

In this past Sunday's sermon, Pastor Martha shared in her introduction something we can reflect on today:

2015 is a year in which:

~ we will see God return everything to its rightful place;
~ we will experience the harvest of what we have faithfully sown in years past;
~ we will receive back all that the devil had stolen from us.

If we were to discuss our current challenges, there would be several areas where we would hear of longings for God's intervention: health concerns, family dynamics, employment needs, housing challenges, and the list goes on. For some, the challenges are not external but internal, like having the simple faith to follow God regardless of how we feel or what we see. For all of us, our pastor's word stands as a prophetic encouragement: 2015 is a new season. We have moved from the season of waiting to the season of receiving.

Are we ready to receive?

I have a colleague who carries a negative narrative of God. This person once said the following to me: "God doesn't know what I'm going through. He's forgotten about me." It broke my heart, because this individual is doing well enough financially to even assist another family; has excellent health and the freedom to travel; and is well-respected in the community. This individual believes that God has "forgotten" one prayer that remains unanswered to date, and that one thing has been the focus rather than the many blessings.

Maybe you have one prayer that God hasn't yet answered, and maybe that's keeping you from seeing His incredible love and provision. Today, know that He loves you, and know that He's aware of the years you've been waiting. Trust Him. As our pastor shared on Sunday, we can praise Him now, because we know that He has already heard and responded to the prayers we've prayed. My prayer is that we will move through 2015 positioned to receive. How do we receive? Not by complaining about what we haven't seen God do, but by rejoicing in all that He is.

We love You, Lord God.
You are perfect in all Your ways.
We walk through 2015 praising You for all that You are.
We thank You again for all that You have done.
We are fully assured that You have heard our prayers.
We believe You will allow us to see and know Your response to our requests.
We expect to experience recompense and restitution and return.
We walk through 2015 in light of that expectation.
Yes, Lord, may it be on earth as You have already decreed in heaven.
We ask this in the name of Jesus.

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