Wednesday, April 29, 2009

If You Knew, What Would You Do?

Pastor Sam asked a thought-provoking question in both services, which we would do well to reflect on today.

If you knew that Jesus was going to return five minutes from now, what would you do? Or, to put it another way, where do you want Him to find you?

If we are conscious of the Lord's return, then our behavior should be consistent with our consciousness. Scripture informs us, through the word of Christ Himself, that no man knows the day nor the hour when He will return.

He might return while you're in the Bronx Bethany prayer room.
He might return while you're at the board meeting.
He might return while you're maligning your boss, your brother, or your pastor.

As we were reminded on Sunday, Matthew 24:45-51 warns us of the fate of those who live as if their Master is never returning. As Pastor Sam said, "your eschatology will determine your ethics".

There are only two options: either you believe what Jesus says or you don't. If you're a Christian, you're wearing a label that says "I am a follower of Christ". Let's pray that, if someone follows you through your day, they'll see Jesus in you at every step.

Oh, and remember what Pastor Sam shared? We don't know the time of Christ's return, but we do know the truth of His return... He Is, and He's returning.

You do know.

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