Sunday, December 28, 2008

Kairos Over Kronos: An Opportune Time For Joy, Part Two

Today I'd like to share with you the text from J.S. Bach's Cantata No. 152. He wrote this cantata to be performed the Sunday after Christmas. I share it because, this past week, it (along with Scripture reading and much prayer) has helped me to remain focused on Jesus, the Chief Cornerstone.

In the midst of what was a difficult Christmas week, I attended the Christ Mass at an Evangelical Lutheran church in Manhattan; and in the midst of that worshiping community God showed up. My kairos moment came as I took communion. The Holy Spirit filled me with renewed joy, and my spirit responded to the opportunity to praise God with joy and gladness: Yes, this is what matters. This is what is reality, the eternal God and the activity of His kingdom. God, I know You are present and I know You are present to act on behalf of your servants.

My friends, have faith in God. Expect to see Him. At the kairos time, the divinely appointed opportunity, He will reveal Himself.

WALK ON THE PATH OF FAITH (J.S. Bach Cantata No. 152)

Walk on the path of faith: God has established the Stone which holds and supports Zion. Man, do not stumble on that Stone- walk on the path of faith!

The Savior is in control in Israel, He is in control over the fall and the resurrection. The Stone is not at fault when the wicked world is dashed upon it; the world falls into hell, the world runs to hell with spite and refuses to acknowledge God's grace and mercy! But blessed is the chosen man of Christ, who has laid his faith's foundation on this Cornerstone, because that is where he will find healing and redemption.

Stone, surpassing every treasure, help so that I may forever, through my faith, establish on You my foundation for true grace, so that I will not be wounded on You, Stone surpassing every treasure!

The know-it-all world is angry that God's only Son has left His glorious throne of praise, has clothed Himself in flesh and blood, and suffers as a mortal. The greatest wisdom of the earth seems like the greatest foolishness in light of the will of God. For what God has decreed, reason can never fathom. The blind seductress misleads those who are blind in spirit.

Soul: O, Lover of souls, how shall I embrace You?
Jesus: You must abandon everything and deny yourself!
Soul: But how, then, can I see the eternal Light?
Jesus: See Me with faith and don't give in to anger!
Soul: Come, Savior, teach me to hate this world!
Jesus: Come, spirit, walk joyfully from sadness to gladness!
Soul: Oh, draw me, Beloved, I'll follow You everywhere!
Jesus: I will give you the crown, after your suffering and disgrace.

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