let’s consider another thought Pastor Richard shared in this past Sunday’s
sermon (paraphrased here): We are called to
keep our focus not on the principles, but on the Paraclete. Our Christian journey
is not about us doing our best, but rather about our making space for God to
manifest His perfect work in and through us.
I’ve reflected on this, I’ve been asking myself: “Who, or
what, am I focused on?” And I’ve been thinking of Simon Peter, who once asked Jesus
to command him to walk on the water. I’ve contemplated the water-walking miracle before, but today I’d like us to contemplate Simon Peter’s moment of amazing insight before he got out of the boat.
said to him, “Lord, if it is you, order me to come to you on the water.”
(Matthew 14:28, New English Translation)
– Peter made his address not to Jesus’s position as his Teacher, but to Jesus’s
authority as Lord.
me to come to you on the water.” – Peter understood that he had an opportunity to
engage an act of obedience that would produce something miraculous.
we might not need to walk on water in a literal sense, but Pastor Richard noted
that there are other things we might need today (that are equally miraculous). We
might need God’s help to reject old habits and deep-seated character traits
that run counter to the will of God. We might need to courageously step into
the purpose for which God created us.
my own take-away: I need to take the leap of faith necessary to move from the “default
setting” of knowing Jesus as my teacher, and instead learn to see Him first and
foremost as my Lord. If my focus is there, then I will not have a problem when
He commands me to do things that are seemingly impossible. I know that if the
Lord is present, then He will make sure I don’t “drown” in my attempts to obey
His commands.
years ago there was a song I learned. It began with the line, “The Spirit of
the Lord is great and mighty.”** Yes. Jesus has made His Spirit available to us,
and has given us the promise that we too can engage greater works (see John14:12). How I pray that we in the church, who embrace the work of His Spirit, will
go the next step and embrace the work of His Spirit in and through us. It’s not
just a call for the pastors and leaders: it’s for everyone who has chosen to walk this
Christian journey.
quotation and a question for today:
people have not even stepped into their purpose yet, and they are on the way
out.” (Rev. Richard Griffiths)
considering this quote from our pastor, can you say with confidence that you
are exactly where the Lord wants you to be, and that you are doing exactly what His Spirit has
commanded you to do?
**From "The Spirit of the Lord" by Billy Funk. Copyright (c) 1992, Integrity's Hosanna! Music.